Non-financial risks are growing in importance as the world becomes more complex and interconnected. Managing these can help businesses protect themselves from threats and improve performance.
AI assisted inventory of global regulatory standards, regulations, and guidance on Non-Financial risks for Financial Services firms. *Can be customized and standardized to requirement!
Generative Al digital assistant to augment your employee capabilities & boost their productivity! Enhance employee engagement, satisfaction & experience!
Bespoke solutions & enablers to aid your Cyber risk posture, secure your Systems, protect your data, optimize and enhance Cyber Resilience.
Transform and Innovate confidently!
An AI assisted, real-time event monitoring platform to track current events across Canada, North America and any other country/region you need to track.
A full suite of products, services and know-how to strengthen your Operational Resilience! Tools & enablers to pre-empt, prepare & protect!
Reg Assistant
Financial Services(FS) is a highly regulated sector and especially in the last few years, since Covid-19 and rise of other disrupters, there has been a significant nudge by FS Regulatory bodies for FS firms to up their ante on managing & mitigating risks, in order to avert disruption to the customer and the market. FS regulators are getting more stringent, more prescriptive, more intolerant towards non-compliance; with frequent updates, changes and requirements that are tough to keep abrest of and comply with.
RiskAssist has an AI driven inventory of existing FS standards, regulations, and guidance organized by key risk domains, issuing authority and applicable jurisdictions add at regular intervals. The compendium is accompanied by flexible offer packages
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The list of Regions, countries and Risk types shown here are not exhaustive. It is simply a preview of the service we offer.
Please use the SEEKASSIST tab on this page for all details that you would like to obtain from us.
Digital Assistant
Empower & augment your employees with this AI driven chatbot from RiskAssist!
An AI watershed moment & the most viral deployment of AI occurred in November 2022 when a user friendly chatbot was released by Open AI to the public domain. Since then, the Financial Services Industry has effectively adopted it for its Employee & Customer propositions; resulting in cost reductions, efficiency, employee & customer satisfaction, higher engagement levels, etc.
A new hybrid working model, rapid pace of technology adoption, digital advancements, frequent regulatory-led guideline/procedure changes,etc put a toll on employees, with a large portion of their day being spent researching for details & information.
RiskAssist has developed an artificial intelligence(AI) driven chatbot to ensure that your employees spend their time where it matters most; taking care of your customers!
Connect with us for a demo! RiskAssist will understand & customise the Bot to suit your needs!
SeekAssistCyber Security
Real-time event monitoring platform
operational RESILIENCE
Disruption is inevitable. How you respond will determine your success or failure!
Financial Instituitions are experiencing upredictable changes in the fragile and volatile global threat landscape. Enhancing Resilience is not a choice aymore!
Disrupters:Fragile geopolitical landscape, Cyber insecurity, Epidemics & pandemics, Fuel & energy crises, Climate change & extreme weather, rapid digitalisation & AI adoption, etc
RiskAssist has the know-how & tools to help you implement, assess and enhance the maturity of the overall Resiliency program or individual risk domains across Business Continuity, Crises management, Third party risk, Information / Data risk, Cyber risk, Reputation risk, Operations risk, etc; through targeted: